Say thank you to a teacher with our favorite books!

Want to thank a teacher for all they do, but don’t know where to start? Here’s our list of recommended books!

Add these books to your wishlist and buy one for your favorite educator. Teachers love to learn! And what's a better gift than a book?

P.S. Which of our favorites have you already read? Tweet and share!


Recommended books on the science of learning


Want a book on the science of learning? We've got 'em. Our top 15 books have been curated for you, with quick summaries on our website. Get started!


Powerful Teaching and Make it Stick


Not sure which you should read first, Powerful Teaching or Make it Stick? It depends on what you're looking for. (Both are available in hardback, audiobook, and Kindle, FYI.)

  • Powerful Teaching, written by a cognitive scientist and an educator, presents practical teaching strategies for the classroom, with the research to back it up.

  • Make it Stick, written by cognitive scientists and a novelist, delves into the science of learning using storytelling for a broad audience.

Want to start with specifics and then expand your research understanding? Read Powerful Teaching first. Want to start with the big picture? Read Make it Stick first. Click here to see this discussion from our Powerful Teaching Facebook group.


A list of our all-time favorite books


Books inspire, soothe, and amuse. Here are a few of our random favorite books (all $15 or less):

Two websites/blogs we highly recommend when shopping for children's books include Books for Littles and A Mighty Girl.

Let's do some quick retrieval practice: What's one thing you remember from your favorite book? Tweet with #retrievalpractice and share!