Here's how to request mid-semester feedback that's refreshingly helpful

Here's how to request mid-semester feedback that's refreshingly helpful

Here is a Google Form template you can use to request mid-semester feedback from students. By using the “start, stop, keep” approach as a reflection tool, combined with some simple retrieval practice, you can shift the vibe away from complaints and dislikes, and instead, toward celebrating students’ learning and accomplishments.

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Here are the four most powerful tools for long-term learning

Here are the four most powerful tools for long-term learning

Make a big impact on students' long-term learning with the four most powerful tools backed by cognitive science research: retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving, and feedback-driven metacognition. Access free downloads and our four favorite teaching strategies for each Power Tool.

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Download our Metacognition Template and share our Research Snapshot

Download our Metacognition Template and share our Research Snapshot

We know research can be intimidating. This week, we feature our first Research Snapshot, a quick rundown of one powerful strategy and the research to back it up: Metacognition Sheets. We've removed the jargon, replaced it with key takeaways, and added a new download, too. Share our Research Snapshot and empower others to discover the science of learning.

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