Recommended tech tools to make retrieval practice quick and easy

Recommended tech tools to make retrieval practice quick and easy

There are lots of tech tools that make retrieval practice, spacing, interleaving, and feedback quick and easy. How can you sort through all of them? We've done the work for you. Check out our recommendations! Also, join the Powerful Teaching book tour in a city near you!

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Just because you're practicing an instrument doesn't mean you're learning

Just because you're practicing an instrument doesn't mean you're learning

Are you learning to play an instrument? "Practice makes perfect," right? There's a catch: Just because you're practicing an instrument, a language, or even CPR resuscitation, it doesn't mean you're learning. What can you do? Use interleaving! Download our interleaving guide and read tips from an orchestra director. Boost learning and mix it up!

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Want to know what interleaving feels like? Try these quick math problems!

Want to know what interleaving feels like? Try these quick math problems!

It's been awhile since we've talked about interleaving! Years of cognitive science research have established that interleaving – simply rearranging the order of retrieval opportunities – can increase (and even double) student learning. But what does interleaving actually look like? This week, try it for yourself!

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Download, adapt, and create Retrieval Grids to boost learning!

 Download, adapt, and create Retrieval Grids to boost learning!

Resources are good. Templates are great! Check out Retrieval Grids, a flexible template you can download and create using low-stakes retrieval, spacing, interleaving, and feedback. Retrieval Grids aren't just for any classroom; adapt them for YOUR classroom!

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Cumulative exams aren't the same as spacing and interleaving. Here's why.

Cumulative exams aren't the same as spacing and interleaving. Here's why.

Are cumulative exams the same thing as spacing or interleaving? Actually, not quite. Cumulative exams can be beneficial for learning. But there are also some subtle ways we can take cumulative exams to the next level – by ensuring that we (and our students) are using spacing and interleaving throughout the semester, not just before the exam.

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Interleaving is a roll of the dice (and that's a good thing!)

Interleaving is a roll of the dice (and that's a good thing!)

How can we use interleaving without planning? Last week, we wrote about interleaving (and fruit salad). The key to effective interleaving is to mix up similar topics, which encourages students to discriminate between similar ideas, concepts, and problems. This week, learn about quick and fun strategies for interleaving in the classroom that put students in charge – more learning for them, less planning for us.

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